
Amplify goodness, simplify help!

goal is
1 000 000 €

Join us today

58 609 €

Centrum Usmeja logo

We have recieved
already 58 609 €
from 1 000 000 €

We can help




92 €

List of contributors

  • Anonymous

    4 weeks ago
    92 €
  • Anonymous

    4 weeks ago
    50 €
  • Ramirez z KejViPi

    1 month ago
    150 €
  • Sympaticky casnik

    Zasaďme obraz človeka do našich sŕdc.

    1 month ago
    150 €
  • Anonymous

    2 months ago
    452 €
I want to help

Social network Socialeasator

All of us go through a crisis situation during our lives - whether a child is born disabled, has problems in relationships, socially, mental health issues... Socialeasator brings digital tools to help individuals and network people. We are also based on the belief that in every person there is a desire to help and spread goodness. Read below to find out what is included in a social network.

Advice center image

Advice center

We bring together experts and specialists from all around the world who can advise on a variety of topics including health, education, social affairs and more.

Bazaar image


Here you will find offers, inquiries and services from all over the world and your community. You can also pass on things you no longer need.

Facilities image


We create lists of organizations, companies and institutions that can help you with your problem at your region you live.

Homesharing image


Each of us has something to offer to society. We create a volunteer agenda of offers and inquiries. No money involved, just a desire to contribute.

Auction image


Use this creative form of fundraising to auction off items that will help you meet your financial or personal goals. You can help others too.

Magazine image


News from the field of social services and aid. We create space inclusively for all those who are not so often in sight.

Fundraising image


We create a place where you can raise funds for your new projects, activities or start-ups.

Diagnoses image


We connect people and families with rare or specific diagnoses - so that they can connect and help each other with their experience or support. All texts are also professionally processed.

Join us

Support us
and join us now.

We have calculated that with every five euros we can help a specific person in your area.

Model Center of Social Services Usmejsa

We are creating a place where the community can meet, help each other and spend their free time. It includes social services for people in crisis, children's and multifunctional playgrounds, a community garden with space for animotherapy and leisure activities or education. We hope that with this center we can inspire other municipalities, towns and institutions in other parts of the world. The area will be taken care of by people who cannot find a job in the labour market. What exactly will you find here?

House of Social Services image

House of Social Services

Day center for 9-40 people per month with the most severe form of disabilities.

Crisis intervention via telecommunications image

Crisis intervention via telecommunications

Online counselling with doctors and other specialists 24/7 through the Socialeasator network.

Specialised social counselling service image

Specialised social counselling service

Professional guidance to agencies and institutions that will help a person out of the worst and accompany them in the long term.

Social enterprise image

Social enterprise

It will include the Usmejsa Community Space. We create jobs for people with disabilities and people from socially disadvantaged backgrounds.

Social rehabilitation image

Social rehabilitation

We offer a space to consult and work with individuals and families with a person with disabilities, in social need, searching for jobs or who have experienced psychological or physical abuse - whom we will help to integrate into society.

Join us

Support us
and join us now.

Help us build the center and choose one of our exciting rewards.

Do you have any questions?

We have the answers!

We are the organization Smile for Others

Social services

We bring interactive, innovative and model solutions for the provision of social services for at-risk populations. With the Usmejsa Model Center we want to create an inclusive place that covers the needs of the community. With the social network we want to give everyone an opportunity to help each other and our communities.

Brand usmejsa

With the brand, we spread designs and products by people with disabilities. The shop has a purpose to help disadvantaged groups, while spreading awareness and lovely products that find their fans.


We create interactive courses with modern technology: participants experience the life of a person with autism spectrum disorder through 3D reality, communicate with their eyes with Tobii technology, learn about the world of people with dyslexia, hearing or seeing disabilities.

Charity events and collections

We organize events and help hundreds of people in need. Thanks to our new social network we are able to help globally. Join us and you can become a part of this fast raising community.

Project Smile for others logo

Website logo

Brand usmejsa logo

Smile for mountains, castles, Slovakia logo

Educational zone Hand in Hand logo

Charity sports ball  logo

Contact us

Billing data

Pod Párovcami 7152/151, Piešťany 921 01

  • IČO: 506 077 40
  • DIČ: 212 069 6556
  • IBAN: SK47 8330 0000 0025 0130 1775

We network families with disabilities. People can share their stories or events here, and through the Counseling Center they will receive professional help without having to go to specialist clinics. The portal offers this group the possibility of sharing and selling unnecessary things and special aids in the bazaar. Through the auction, they can raise funds for their needs. The community of people with disabilities creates and moves the portal forward. One of the goals is to help improve the status of early intervention - so that parents of children who are born with a disabilities get relevant information that will improve their children health and social life.

The portal serves to connect and network families with rare genetic syndromes, who can exchange information with each other. At the same time, it describes several hundred rare diseases. This website is usend not only from families with a member with disabilities, but also doctors, physiotherapists and other specialists who have come into contact with people with rare diagnoses. Part of the portal is the list of Facilities, which contains a database of several hundred facilities dedicated to people with disabilities.

With the usmejsa brand, we want to spread designs from children with disabilities. Drawings are created during creative workshops in kindergartens and schools. At the same time, we redraw them digitally and suppress the clothes. People with disabilities sew these products for us in the Social enterprise. The usmejsa brand spreads a positive message about inclusion. In addition to supporting this community, you can boast of unique designs that you won't find anywhere else in the world. All profits go to the help for families with a member with disabilities.

These are sports and entertainment challenges and competitions, through which ten children with various forms of health disabilities are financially supported. Thanks to this events, we won´t only educate and spread awareness about inclusion, participants contribute financially to selected families with their registration. Getting to know Slovakia is part of it. After registration, the participants recieve a photo of the child, with which they must reach a selected destinations and take a picture with the photo there. Then they upload this photo to their profile. Individual challenges (mountains, castles, Slovakia) alternate every year.

We co-organize the educational, sports and entertainment barrier-free festival Parada, which has been held in Piešťany every year since 2018. The goal of the Hand in Hand zone is to connect the worlds of healthy people and those with disabilities - children can try driving a wheelchair, orient themselves using a white stick, learn sign language, immerse themselves in the lives of people with autism spectrum disorder using a 3D simulator or try many other activities. Physiotherapists for babies and children are part of it, and there are sports and entertainment attractions, discussions and much more.

The goal of the entertaining charity event is to raise money for Dominika, who was born in 2016 with the rare genetic syndrome Cornelia de Lange, which causes her to suffer from hearing impairment, limb deformities and many health problems. At the same time, Dominika is behind the creation of all the mentioned projects - past and present.